First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church - 330 First Parish Rd, Scituate MA 02066

Welcome to First Parish

WE ASPIRE TO BE a beacon of liberal faith, strong community, and transformative service, rooted in love.

Each of us has worth and dignity. As Unitarian Universalists, we welcome persons of all sexual orientation, gender and its expression, religious background, marital status, family structure, age, mental and physical health and ability, racial and cultural identity or background, and educational and socioeconomic status. We value diversity and see it as a spiritual gift. All may share in the fellowship and leadership, blessings and joys of our congregation's life.
All of who you are is sacred.
All of who you are is welcome.
Facebook Livestream
Online Giving
Join us for Sunday services at 10:30 am  Join us for the service at 10:30 am, for the religious education program for kids (soon after the service begins), and for coffee hour and fellowship afterwards. Everyone is welcome — you need not be a member, you need not recite a creed. Simply bring your whole self, as you are!
First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Scituate MA is a vibrant, inclusive community of faith. We are a non-credal church stressing love, service, and religious freedom. ("Liberal" means 'free' in its theologic sense, in that your religion is about how you live, not what you believe.) Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist principles and purposes, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and we support each individual's unique search for truth and meaning.

Where are you on your spiritual journey? Wherever you are, we're curious to meet you. Join us in exploring “the big questions” and cultivating ways to live the answers amidst today’s modern challenges. Our congregation seeks ways to build community, guide our children, deepen spiritually, and to make a positive difference in the world.
Youth program
Registration is open for the 2024-25 childrens' and youth Religious Education (RE) programs. 
Our choir rehearses each Sunday from 9:00 -10:00 am in the sanctuary.
Anyone in 7th grade or older is welcome to join us.
Our interim minister: We welcome the Rev. Erin Splaine (she/her) as our Interim minister through 2025. 

March Special 

This month’s Social Justice Collection will be donated to Side With Love, the Organizing Strategy Team of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). They provide programs and resources that help UU’s working across social justice causes organize and improve participants’ knowledge and skills while also furnishing spiritual events to ground all work in UU values.
How to Give:

Schedule of services

March is Canvass month:
Please pledge to sustain our church into its 391st year!

Sunday, March 2   Budget Drive Kickoff

Rev. Erin Splaine preaching.

Sunday, March 9    Music Sunday

Led by Beth Dubuisson.

Sunday, March 16   Guest Minister Rev. Michael Hall

Rev. Michael Hall preaching.
The Reverend Michael F. Hall has been the settled minister at the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church for 12 years, and will soon make a move to the UU Congregation of Franklin NH. During his time in Keene, Rev. Hall served as chair of the Keene Interfaith Clergy, the United Campus Ministry to Keene State College and was a member of the City of Keene’s Martin Luther King/Jonathan Daniels Committee. He is originally from Massachusetts.

Sunday, March 23  Poetry Sunday

“Poetry,” wrote Robert Frost, “is when an emotion has found its thought, and the thought has found words.” Our Sunday service on the 23rd will be a celebration of emotions, thoughts, and words as we focus on poetry (poems are favorites submitted, and read by, the congregation).
Rev. Erin Splaine leading.

Sunday, March 30   This I Believe

Rev Erin Splaine, with Sheryl P.

Public Events at First Parish

Patriots Day 1775"

Monday, April 21, 2025

Two locations:
11:00 am  First Parish of Norwell
1:30 pm   First Parish of Scituate

Each reenactment takes place in the church and is followed by an outdoor musket salute by the Hingham Militia Company.  This event is free, but come early as seating is limited.

This interactive performance will give you a sense of the mindset of Old Scituate residents in the days before the Battles of Lexington & Concord — you will be in the room where it happens!
What was happening in Old Scituate (today’s Scituate and Norwell) on or around April 19, 1775?
A Town Meeting has been called, and residents are eager to hear the latest news. Have more Tories been stationed in Marshfield? Does the port of Boston remain closed to all commercial traffic? When will King George III restore the citizens' rights? See how the discussion changes after a post rider enters with news of the battles.

The Scituate and Norwell Historical Societies present this exciting commemoration of the 250th anniversary of what we today call "Patriot’s Day" (the Battles of Lexington & Concord). A short fictional play, based on actual events in Scituate at the time, will be performed in both the First Parish of Scituate and the Second Parish of Scituate (today’s First Parish of Norwell).

Parish Events

Parish activities are detailed in each weekly newsletter

Social Justice Activities

Get involved with the Social Justice Committee's initiatives. Plan or attend activities at church or in the larger community that advocate, educate, and serve the causes of justice and democracy. Check the newsletter for resources, parish activities, community events, and online workshops.

Game Night (all ages!)

Game nights are a longstanding tradition at First Parish, and great fun for all ages. Watch the newsletter for future dates (and consider hosting a night!) People bring board games, cards, tile games, and puzzles. Play, teach, or just come hang out. Oh, and there's pizza!

Fididdlers Crafting Group

The (historic!) Fididdlers crafting group invites you to join us Wednesday nights from 7-9 pm starting in September for Snowflake Fair crafting projects and personal projects. It’s a great time to meet with other church members, join in stimulating conversation, and learn easy-to-do crafts. You don’t need to be crafty - everything is very simple and we have all the supplies needed.

Check the newsletter for see who is hosting, or to see what donated materials you could supply.

Jam & Jelly Workshops

Learn how to can jams and jellies for the Snowflake Fair fundraiser with the experts from our very own Grandma's Kitchen — canning is not hard to learn but Grandma's wisdom will help you source and improvise so your own homemade preserves turn out just right. Age 15 and up. All materials supplied.