First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church - 330 First Parish Rd, Scituate MA 02066

Strong Community

"We aspire to be a beacon of liberal faith, strong community, transformative service, rooted in love."

As a beacon of strong community, we commit to care for one another, nurture the light that
shines within each of us, and support each other’s individual search for truth and meaning.
"We come together... taking the time to look into one another's faces 
And see there communion: the reflection of our own eyes." —UU Rev Kathleen McTigue

Our Ministries of Strong Community

  • The Cares & Concerns committee lets us know who is in need and how to fill those needs with cards, calls, meals, or rides. Companions are trained to offer company for someone who cannot get to worship, to listen when times are hard, or to be there when someone could use the warmth of compassion.

  • Our Prayer Shawl group, the Piecemakers, has been active since 2005. Many hands knit, crochet and quilt to create and bless their gifts of comfort, which go to men, women and children in the community.

  • The Hospitality committee puts out the call for ushers, flowers, and refreshments, not just to keep our Sundays welcoming to all, but for collations to sustain guests at special occasions.

  • The Social Programs committee supports many efforts, including charitable fundraisers; holiday celebrations; and all-ages events like ice-cream socials, soup dinners, and concerts.

  • The Unity Alliance is a womens' social club—in its 8th decade!—with a mission of promoting friendship and fellowship. It also handles our most significant fundraiser, the annual December Snowflake Fair.

  • The Fididdlers group also supports the Fair with their talents in cooking, crafting, and jewelry-making.

  • Other committees, such as Membership, Finance, Buildings & Grounds, and Publicity, play an essential role in keeping First Parish vibrant, visible, and viable!
Ministry is all that we do—Together

Ministry is that quality of being in community that affirms human dignity—
beckons forth hidden possibilities, invites us into deeper, more constant, reverent relationships,
and carries forward our heritage of hope and liberation.

Ministry is what we do together as we celebrate triumphs of our human spirit,
Miracles of birth and life,
Wonders of devotion and sacrifice.

Ministry is what we do together—with one another—
in terror and torment—in grief, in misery and pain,
enabling us in the presence of death
to say yes to life.

We who minister speak and live the best we know with full knowledge
that it is never quite enough…

And yet are reassured
by lostness found,
fragments reunited,
wounds healed,
and joy shared.

Ministry is what we all do—together.

—UU Rev Gordon “Bucky” McKeeman