How We Self-Govern
Establishing safety and trust in our relations

What it Means to "Covenant"

The Role of the UUA
We are a Welcoming Congregation
Unitarian Universalists develop congregational covenants as a tool for setting guidelines, clarifying expectations, and building trust. To "covenant" means to come together — it is a promise between equals to partner with each other for the common good. They are created by people to set a course of action for their committees, by the youth groups to create a safe environment for themselves, and whenever any group needs to focus their needs.
The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA) guides congregations in ways that help them grow and thrive. The UUA website is an excellent place to learn about how the UUA helps member churches give voice to their values.
A progressive faith does not guarantee that UU congregations privilege the truth of our LGBTQ+ and TGQNB communities. First Parish is called into a deeper committment to these communities through the work of the Welcoming Congregation certification program, to insure that our congregation is living into the Welcome that we boldly proclaim.

Our Covenant
The Role of Parish Committee
We are a Safe Congregation
This is the covenant between members of First Parish Church,
recited instead of a theological creed or doctrine:
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
to cherish the living earth,
To seek truth in love,
and to help one another.
recited instead of a theological creed or doctrine:
Love is the spirit of this church,
and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
to cherish the living earth,
To seek truth in love,
and to help one another.
Unitarian Universalist congregations are self-governing. Members of the parish—by discussion and vote at the regular annual meeting, and special meetings when needed—set policy, approve budgets, decide by vote upon the need to call a minister, and elect the Parish Committee.
The Parish Committee is the governing body of the church. Its two co-chairs and other officers, in close cooperation with the staff, guide policy and handle the ongoing functions needed to maintain operations.
All meetings of the Parish Committee are open to members of the Parish.
The Parish Committee is the governing body of the church. Its two co-chairs and other officers, in close cooperation with the staff, guide policy and handle the ongoing functions needed to maintain operations.
All meetings of the Parish Committee are open to members of the Parish.
We are guided by the UUA in our policies and proactive training so we can build a safer and more welcoming faith community in regards to:
- Responsible staffing;
- A sexually healthy environment;
- Compassion towards those affected by addiction and mental illness;
- Trauma response;
- Other issues of ethics and safety.